Championing Clinical Excellence, Removing Unproven Burdens
and Empowering Physicians
Continuous Board Certification with NBPAS
Why Choose NBPAS
No one entity should control the practice of medicine; NBPAS fights for physician choice!
Study clinically relevant, self-directed, rigorous CME. No unproven requirements, no confusing modules, no late fees.
Cost effective and streamlined learning pathway - $189 for 2 years.
Physician Testimonials

"Our profession is increasingly controlled by people not directly involved in patient care who have lost contact with the realities of day-to-day clinical practice. I started NBPAS to change that."
– Dr. Paul Teirstein – President and Founder NBPAS, Chief of Cardiology, Scripps Clinical La Jolla
By certifying with NBPAS, you are a part of that change!
200+ Accepting Hospitals – The List is Growing!
Check to see if your hospital accepts NBPAS – if not, click here to learn how!
Physicians Deserve Better

Join the growing number of colleagues choosing NBPAS