The Monthly Dose: October 2024
Posted by Jorge Francisco on
Welcome to the latest edition of "The Monthly Dose"!
Let’s dig in!
News and Announcements

New Accepting Hospitals!
NBPAS is proud to announce the addition of Community Health Network, a 10-hospital health system based in Indianapolis, Indiana.
NBPAS diplomates are the most important ambassadors to bring change to hospitals and health systems. To learn how to introduce NBPAS to your hospital, visit our website.
MOC in the News: "Who is this organization accountable to?"
Thank you Dr. Howard Schulman for his insightful article just published in the Providence Journal. Dr. Schulman asks all the right questions and points out what the traditional board organizations seem to ignore. Namely, “Caring for patients involves much more than memorizing medical facts” and the fundamental problems with MOC remain. Don’t miss this terrific three minute read. The need for choice and competition has never been greater.
Advocacy Updates

Advertising as "Board Certified" - Texas Medical Board (TMB) FAILS to amend its physician advertising rule
- During a regularly scheduled rule review (once every 4 years) - The Texas Medical Board (TMB) has declined to amend its "Advertising as Board Certified" rule in a manner that would include NBPAS-certified physicians, despite considerable public comments from over 200 Texas physicians. The NBPAS team is disappointed in the lack of attention to an outdated rule negatively impacting Texas physicians. Fortunately, the issue has caught the eye of state lawmakers who want to lead action to amend the advertising rules permanently. Stay tuned for updates in the coming months. Despite the TMB’s lack of action, NBPAS will continue to press for urgent change.
- See HERE for a link to Dr. Paul Teirstein’s most recent comments by NBPAS to the TMB.

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan (BCBSM) Responds to NBPAS
Despite significant efforts, including an NBPAS-led email campaign involving over 40 Michigan physicians, BCBS of Michigan (BCBSM) has refused to reconsider its requirement for MOC as a criterion for reimbursement and enrollment. With BCBSM holding over 80% of the payer market share in Michigan, this poses a significant roadblock for NBPAS-recognized physicians advocating for NBPAS acceptance at their hospitals.
BCBSM has been on NBPAS's radar ever since they disaffiliated an NBPAS-certified family physician who was providing critical primary care services in a rural and underserved area. This disaffiliation was solely due to his decision not to maintain board certification with the American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM).
What adds further concern is BCBSM’s executive compensation structure. According to their 2022 IRS 990 filing, six members of the executive team earned over $1 million annually, with the outgoing CEO making $8 million and, in some years, as much as $17 million.
After several attempts to open communication with Dr. James Grant, BCBSM’s Chief Medical Officer, NBPAS reached out to the Governor’s office, the Department of Insurance, and various state legislators for assistance. Weeks later, we finally received a response from Dr. Grant, though unfortunately, it did not seem aimed at addressing the issue in a constructive manner.
Below is a key excerpt from his letter:
"BCBSM does not require maintenance, but we, like so many health plans and health systems, require board certification by an ABMS or AOA board…." "...however, we are not the entity that decides when and how a board certification must be renewed or whether diplomat status is granted."
Dr. Grant’s response curiously overlooks several critical points:
- Every NBPAS physician is initially board certified through ABMS/AOA.
- ABMS/AOA and their member boards remove board certification from physicians who choose not to participate in the Maintenance of Certification (MOC) process. In other words, BCBSM does require "maintenance."
NBPAS is standing firm in our commitment to supporting physicians and hospitals in Michigan. Stay tuned for updates and next steps in the coming months.
New Initiatives
Home Page Refresh Announcement

We’re committed to simplifying the certification process and supporting physicians’ continuous board certification efforts without unnecessary burdens. As part of this commitment, we’ve refreshed our home page to better align with what matters most to you - clear, streamlined communications and easy access to the information you need.
NBPAS is here to remove obstacles and provide the support you need, so you can continue focusing on what you do best - caring for your patients. Check out our updated homepage at
Champions of Change
Thank you to all NBPAS physicians who go above and beyond to champion life-long learning while advocating for competition and choice in continuing certification.
Meet our October Champion of Change: Ethan "Mojo" Moses, MD, MPH, FACOEM

Dr. Ethan Moses serves as Medical Director for the Colorado Division of Workers' Compensation. In this role Dr. Moses provides medical leadership across various areas including evidence-based medical treatment guidelines, provider education, independent medical exams, reimbursement structure, billing disputes, and utilization standards.
Additionally, Dr. Moses serves as the Chief Medical Officer of Peak Form Medical Center where he manages administrative functions. He also holds dual faculty appointments at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and the Colorado School of Public Health which allow him to contribute to medical and public health education. Dr. Moses shared that, "One of my proud accomplishments in 2023 was spearheading the addition of NBPAS board certification as an option for Colorado physicians conducting Division Independent Medical Exams, expanding certification options for qualified medical professionals."
Thank you to Dr. Moses for your tireless efforts in service of your patients, the public, future physicians in-training, and for your advocacy on behalf of NBPAS.

In Case You Missed It…Federal Agencies Announce Multi-Pronged Effort to Root out Health Care Monopolies!
NBPAS asked the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to provide relief from what it believes is an effort by ABMS and its constituent boards to use their monopoly power to exclude or eliminate competitors from the continuing certification market.
On April 18th, 2024, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Department of Justice (DOJ) and Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) launched a portal for public reporting of anti-competitive practices in healthcare including the example:
"Unnecessary Health Care Provider Recertification or Accreditation Requirements"
THANK YOU to everyone who submitted comments. If you haven’t already, it’s not too late to have your voice heard! Submit your comments below and share with any physician you know.
Submit Your CommentsIn the words of NBPAS Founder and President, Dr. Paul Teirstein - "We urge every physician who has been harmed by MOC to speak now, speak loudly, and spread the word to every physician you know."
Not yet a Diplomate? Apply for NBPAS Certification today.
Suggestion Box
Have an idea, need help? Reach out to NBPAS at
We look forward to hearing from you.